Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

 Here are a few of the pieces I completed over the holiday season:

But now, I am taking a step back. And changing directions. Now that my part time job has turned full time, my art has to be part time. I will not be taking on new tattoo clients for the next year. I will not be caricaturing parties, and I will not be producing much pottery for sale. Unless I feel the need. There is something else I’ve always wanted to do and now that I’m gainfully employed, I’m dropping pretty much everything but the B’Lou Bug Spray. For maybe a year. Like a sabbatical.

Now that I have a steady income for the first time in years, I am able to pursue yet another dream project - sculpture. Until now, that pursuit has been cost prohibitive. Over the years, I have accumulated some tools toward that end. Kilns, a job that taught me how to weld, another job that taught me mold making and casting, and more than one occasion where I had to learn how to sew. 

So I’m ready. Almost. I have a few projects on my desk to finish up first. A few portraits, a few pieces of stoneware, and a few tattoos. And the first in a series of multi-paneled abstract pieces that plays with the specific gravity of liquid acrylic paint.

I know. What?!

But this is what I do when it’s too cold to garden.

The difference in 2015 will be my motivation. This year my goal is to make art I want to make, not caring about what happens after it’s done. I can hang it up or add it to a pile. No need for the hustle. I can make art and pay my bills at the same time. Just in less time. For now, it’s a fair trade off. I have plenty of time to plan projects, or think of my next move while I’m on the road. It works out perfectly. 

Lastly, my website is still a work in progress. The time crunch of the holidays knocked that project off to the side for a bit. Plus, my web designer has been inundated with his own deadlines and a bit under the weather over the last couple of weeks. And I have my own end of things to accomplish and send his way. Which I am now off to do. 

I am not one to make resolutions for the new year,  but I plan on blogging slightly more often. My new projects have downtime, either drying or firing, so I will have time to take photos and share the progress. That's the plan. 

Subject to change..